Press Release: Passing the Leadership Torch…

by | Aug 6, 2021 | News, Press Release

After 17 years at the helm of I Am BEAUTIFUL, Inc. as Executive Director, Dr. Tina Woodard is passing the leadership torch to Ms. Jennifer Hammond. Effective Aug. 9, 2021, Ms. Hammond will transition from Assistant Director to Executive Director of the award-winning nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering the self-esteem and leadership skills of girls and women. “We are thrilled to have found someone like Jennifer who possesses the ideal combination of experience, credentials, energy, and passion to lead the daily operations of our organization. Jennifer brings a wealth of education administration and leadership experience that will enable her to lead our program with excellence”, said Dr. Woodard. As Co-Founder and Board Member, Dr. Woodard will continue to contribute to the mission and future direction of I Am BEAUTIFUL while heading Capstone Performance Solutions, Inc., a human resources consulting company she founded in 2016.


I Am B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L.