IAB Workshops
Take Good Care of Yourself: Total Life Wellness
This workshop provides participants with necessary skills to make responsible decisions about their overall health. Every facet of health is explored and enhanced: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.
Learning Objectives:
- Disease prevention
- Healthy Eating Nutrition
- Spiritual & Mental Well Being
- Dental Health
- Stress Management
Dealing with Life Changes; Developing Coping & Resiliency
Participants will learn how to deal with unexpected life changes and win!
Participants will receive NY Times Bestseller Who Moved My Cheese for Teens.
Learning Objectives:
- Anticipating the best rather than fearing the worst
- Positive reactions rather than negative behaviors
- Constructive thoughts rather than destructive emotions
- Feeling confident and capable rather than unsure and inept
- Embracing opportunities rather than counting obstacles
- Moving forward rather than stepping back
- Being an advocate rather than being a victim
Learning Objectives:
- Learn to set goals (long term and short term)
- Develop a plan for attaining goals
- Learn the secrets of staying motivated as goals are sought
- Resiliency skills
9 Steps to Success™: Goal setting & Life planning
Participants gain a better understanding of themselves, their strengths, and their desires, as they devise a step-by-step game plan for making smart life choices that will enable them to make their dreams become reality. Nine Steps to Success provides teenagers with the means to boost self-esteem, deal with peer pressure, and handle the daily stresses that come with being a young adult. Participants receive and explore NY Times Bestseller Teens Can Make It Happen authored by Stedman Graham. A hands-on approach and personal style make this engaging handbook a must-have for teens as well as for parents, grandparents, and anyone else who influences young people.
Learning Objectives:
- Social and Communication Skills
- Self-esteem and Confidence Building
- Developing Confidence in Making
- New Acquaintances
- Handshaking with All Ages
- Conversation and Listening Skills
- Telephone Etiquette
- The Etiquette of Public Places
Etiquette: Knowing the Right Thing To Do!
An interactive program that brings out the best in every girl and woman by teaching how to improve and fully develop Posture & Poise, Voice & Speech, Etiquette and Style to increase self-confidence! Participants also gain skills needed to succeed in any dining situation. Each student will learn proper silverware and glassware techniques, napkin etiquette, and menu selection. Each student will practice eye contact, good posture, and appropriate behavior. They will also learn the importance of self-image, appropriate attire and social protocol, including, but not limited to, professional courtesy and composition of thank you notes.
Experiencing the Arts!
Participants bring learning to life by learning to use the consensus decision making process in a team environment. Participants will select a restaurant and one cultural arts activity such as dance, drama, visual art, or music. The field trip includes dining at the selected fine restaurant and experiencing the selected cultural art.
Graduation & Awards Luncheon
Parents and/or guardians are invited to celebrate the culmination of the summer program with recognition of the participants.Keynote speakerOral presentations of learning experienceAwardsGraduation certificates
Technology for Teens
A teen workshop created to educate teens on how to protect themselves in the information technology age. The workshop outlines topics such as cyber bullying, computer and internet etiquette, virus control etc.
- Discover your personal treasures.
- Harness the power of words to boost your inner self
- BRAKE the Cycle ™ : 5 Strategies to identify and eliminate self-destructive behavior
- Create a personal Success Road Map
- Live a life that’s B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L.™Inside & Out!
Good Enough, Smart Enough!™ Topic: Self-Esteem & Achieving Success
Get ready to be inspired, energized, and motivated as you experience the exciting premiere workshop Good Enough, Smart Enough™. Designed for girls and women of all ages, Good Enough, SmartEnough™ takes you on an introspective journey and Successville is your final destination! You will learn how to open the door to a high-achieving lifestyle by focusing on the essentials of increasing self-worth, self-respect and self-confidence.
You will walk away with the right attitude, right plan, right tools and ready for the right opportunity! Most importantly, you will know you are good enough, you are smart enough, and you are B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. TM!
Ready, Set, Dine with Ease!
This three-hour interactive course trains children and teens in developing skills needed to succeed in any dining situation. Each student will become savvy diners after exposure to silverware and glassware techniques, napkin etiquette, toasting panache, and menu selection. Through the use of role-playing and group exercises, each student will practice eye contact, good posture, and appropriate behavior. They will also learn the importance of respectable dining attire and other necessary dining protocol, including, but not limited to, professional courtesy and composition of thank you notes.
Each participant will receive a workbook to keep as a reference guide.
For an additional session, a formal, four-course tutorial luncheon or dinner may be served!
Gain the flair and confidence you need to dine. Ready, Set, Dine With Ease!
Other topics include:
- Basic table manners
- Ordering
- Understanding table setting
- When to start eating
- Managing difficult to eat foods
- Finishing the meal with grace
Running To Win!
Runners take your mark! SET! GO!
This is no ordinary race. You need proper training and conditioning to take the gold in this race.You are embarking on a learning experience that will propel you to a higher level of success by applying simple but vital strategies to live your life to the fullest. You will be trained in how to open the door to a high-achieving lifestyle by focusing on the essentials of creating a vision and goals for your life. You will also develop a success attitude to turn negatives into positive assets. This primer is about maximizing your personal potential so you can conquer fear, finish strong and WIN!
Most importantly you will get back in the race and this time you will be running to WIN!
I Am B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L.